Home News Haver & Boecker bag handling system

Haver & Boecker bag handling system

Haver & Boecker bag handling system

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Last updated: March 20, 2024
by and Alex Morrell is a senior correspondent at Business Insider covering Wall Street at large.

Haver & Boecker has expanded its bag handling product range for bulk products of any kind. The HAVER SpeedRoad is a compact, efficient, economic and fully automatic system for loading filled bags directly onto trucks. As an improved version of known systems, it has positioned itself on the market within a very short period and has already been sold and delivered to numerous African and Asian countries. The customers know to value the essential advantages of the HAVER SpeedRoad compared with systems available before: high performance, above-average availability and easy maintenance.

The customer benefits from reduced loading, waiting and delivery times, a high loading capacity, a high user safety, and independence from staff. Further arguments in favor of the HAVER SpeedRoad are its high energy efficiency and great flexibility. Particular attention was paid to the maintainability and thus to the enhanced availability of the production machine.

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